My Mom gave me a huge bag of wool sweaters she had washed in hot water to felt them. They had already been hacked up by her because she had made a patchwork quilt for her bedroom. They sat in my laundry room for nearly a year until I came across a good use for them in Amanda Blake Soule's book, Handmade Home. This project can be done with children, as long as they are old enough to use scissors.
Supplies- Wool in various colors, embroidery thread, hand-sewing needle, scissors.
Step 1: Cut 1" squares from the wool felt, hundreds of them. They don't need to be perfectly square so this is the part I encourage you to enlist your child's help on a rainy day.
Step 2: Choose the length of your garland, double this number and add 10". Cut a piece of embroidery thread to this length.
Step 3: Thread the needle and double the strand of thread and start threading the squares of wool onto the thread. When your garland is complete, tie a knot at the end to secure the wool.
Step 4: I choose to hang mine along my mantel for some fall/winter decor but it also looks nice as a Christmas tree garland.
you are just too damn creative!! hear hear this one.
Posted by: propmama | December 14, 2009 at 02:29 PM