Last week, I thought I'd try out this Shepherd's Pie recipe I had pinned onto my "Foodie" pinboard because I found several of the ingredients needed in my CSA box.
It was simple and delicious and the recipe yielded enough to provide dinner for two nights. I enjoy cooking, but only when I need to do it a couple of times a week. Having to cook everyday makes it feel like a chore, kind of like making the bed, laundry and driving the kids to school. On that note... I wish driving the kids to school could be fun (and some days it is) but the reality is that at least one kid pitches a fit about putting their coat on even though it's 40 degrees out, each one has a different opinion about what song I should be playing on the iPod (the decision is NEVER unanimous), I have sippy cups falling out the car door into the gutter and occasionally a shoe which the boys tend to take off in the car most days. Then, I saved my favorite for last... this new game the boys play where we have to walk 10 feet between the car and gate into their school and they decide not to hold my hand but break free and run in opposite directions down the sidewalk. At 30 pounds a piece, it's physically impossible for me to carry both but it would be their preferred method of transport into school each day. In the end, I feel like I shovel them into their classroom and let out a sigh of relief. Bad breath, uncombed hair, I am the epitome of a toddler twin mom. I better find a solution to our morning routine before I need to fit in with those perfectly coiffed French women.
Note: I was sick last week so I caught myself up on the Design Sponge podcasts. In one interview Grace Bonney was conducting with the author of Mom Inc., they discussed how many bloggers like to paint this perfect picture of their lives and not discuss the mundane details. Well, I'm making a vow to keep this blog positive and pretty but I will also share those snippets of our not so idyllic times. Oh, because we have MANY of those.
Thanks for the recipe. It sounds like something I would like to try. And thanks for sharing your not so perfect mornings. It will get easier.
Posted by: Mimielaine | February 25, 2013 at 07:49 AM